July 8, 2010

The IDS Incident Handling 101

We came up with a decent short description of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) incident handling during a recent lunch discussion.

Handling IDS incidents is not very different to making a puzzle. You first gather and identify the individual pieces and then you place them together correctly. While traditional puzzles, once put together, present you with a complete picture, the IDS incidents present you with a possible attack against one of your IP addresses.

The alerts in the current generation of IDS systems come in five pieces. There are always...

the source IP address
the source port
the destination IP address
the destination port

...and the IDS signature, which was triggered by an pattern detected in the network traffic by the IDS sensors.

As with traditional puzzles, you have to examine each given piece thoroughly before attempting to put them together. Some preliminary questions regarding the involved systems are the installed operating systems and the applications. Large part of the IDS signatures detect exploits to specific vulnerabilities in software, so the patching level of the systems and of the destination especially is one of the initial things to check also.

Ideally the incident handler is able to securely connect to the monitored environment and verify all of the above from the systems themselves, but in case this is not possible, ensure the incident response team has a system database of some type available to them. ALL monitored IP addresses really should be listed. I know it may be a taunting task in large environments to identify the various switch port addresses and the virtual addresses used for load balancing and clustering et cetera, but I guarantee you that simply assessing and documenting properly your computing resources is a big step in hardening your environment against misuse.

Among many other things, a proper system database enables your incident response team to react fast and properly to any possibly true positive attacks. The database should include at least the following properties for each monitored IP address:

-DESCRIPTION of the system usage
(as in web server, internet gateway router, LAN server, workstation etc.)
-OPERATING SYSTEM and the patching level
(including the network device firmware etc.)
-APPLICATIONS installed on the systems
(the exact version numbers)
-CONTACT DETAILS of the system administrators
(for running commands on the systems etc.)

Do not overlook the system information carried by the IPv4 addresses. One of the steps to full system identification is identifying the IP address ranges involved. In case the monitored environment includes publicly available servers, pay attention to the source addresses. Any addresses in the private IPv4 address ranges are most likely internal systems and as such possibly indications of more serious compromise.

The next piece to look at are the TCP/UDP ports. Do multiple searches to identify all possible services known to use the involved ports on the given platform. The IANA Port Numbers list is the official resource for figuring out the legitimate use of the Well Known Ports and the Registered Ports (namely the ports between the 0 and the 49151).

The SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) provides a quality port search on the upper right corner of their diary page often listing the malware known to use the given port also. The DefaultPorts.com is another good database to check and don't forget the frequently updated list of known and detected port usage hosted at nmap.org.

The Trojan List hosted at simovits.com can be sorted by the port numbers also. I am not sure if the list is still maintained actively, but it is worthy information source nevertheless.

Here again access to the monitored environment comes very handy as the incident handler can quickly copy the running processes and the open network connections to the case log for later analysis. You will notice in time, that the mentioned two listings from the destination will be constantly needed.

Take the network design into consideration also when doing preliminary analysis on the ports. It is often an easy way to identify false positives and further implement filters to the sensors. Ensure you know the firewalls and routers examining the monitored traffic AFTER the sensor examines it. Depending on the implementation, the IDS sensor may see the possible attacks before the traffic gets filtered by a firewall or the routers. There may be even high volumes of attacks against the environment, but if the destination port of the attacks is closed by the firewall, no permanent harm can be caused.

After some innovative system identification and port analysis exercises, the incident handler is left with the last piece only. The IDS signature. This is the piece that tells you what actually was detected. Note that the signature does not tell you what the attack was as often used description goes. It tells you what was detected in the traffic between the two end points.

Study the signature that got triggered. Have the relevant IDS signature description library available to you at all times when monitoring. Its THE starting point. I believe all IDS vendors now provide online access to such libraries. Study the description, check all related advisories and references and do some background study if necessary to fully appreciate what the signature detects. This piece really completes the puzzle often with the IDS alerts. Here the next steps most often are revealed. They may be as simple as verifying that a patch is installed or that the software has been updated on the destination, but whatever the next steps may be, they are to be found by analysing the signature as far as possible.

In my opinion the incident handler should have access to the attack packets. At least in order to copy them to the case log for later analysis. The Cisco IDS for example gives you often also the exact character pattern detected by the signature in the same window with the attack packet data.

The attack packet data is priceless when investigating alerts against non-patched vulnerabilities such as the ones in custom web applications, where there is not actually even any specific description of the vulnerability available a part from the generic XSS or SQL Injection papers.

In case you use the much loved Snort IDS, make sure you can read the Snort rule language effortlessly as Snort uses an open signature format which allows you a detailed view into the signature construction. It uses a specific syntax, but the variables are not too many.

Emerging Threats has a good wiki entry titled Snort Signatures 101 to get you over the fundamentals

In my opinion the IDS incident handling process is completed with identifying and disregarding the obvious false positive alerts (and later maybe permanently filtering the reoccurring false positive alerts from the IDS monitoring). After this point the incident handling is over and the incident response begins although they often should overlap each other and occur simultaneously.

I have been the dude introducing various junior agents to the IDS incident handling. Kind of like giving them the first idea of the science here and showing them their first real alerts. I find it very challenging to give them any type of short description or introductory note to start with. The puzzle comparison is the current favourite here by far.

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